The Sound of Klezmer

The Sound of Klezmeris a musical group that includes the soloist Maxim Solniker (clarinet), Omri Rivlin (accordion), Amir Kovalski (keyboards), and Nir Segal (drums).

This klezmer band plays a purely Jewish soul music and it continues a long Tradition of this great spiritual music. The main musical instruments Clarinet and accordion are authentic instruments and the dialogue between them repaints the classical songs and dances which we all know and love.

About the band

The band plays in ceremonies, celebrations and festivals across the country and the World. The main lineup of the full band including all of the four, is recommended for halls of over 100 people which includs amplification equipmen and lighting.

It is also possible to book a show with three players without a drummer or two musicians (clarinet and accordion) that can be more mobile and play without amplification in halls and open spaces.

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Contact Us

Contact information:

Maxim Solniker:
Omri Rivlin:


Video gallery from large performances


Adon Olam


Live show Givatayim Theater

Lets be happy

Freilechs 2

Wedding Medley


Lets be happy - New Clip

Klezmer Medley 2

Klezmer Medley 1

Video gallery from shows for organizations

Oseh Shalom Bimromav

Polish Weekend 2

Polish Weekend 1

Show at the Pastoral Hotel


Spanish Medley


View our photos

Purchase Our Album

What do you want to purchase?

You can purchase the dual pack disc, which includes an audio CD and a DVD disc from our virtuoso performance as part of the Klezmer Festival in Safed 2013 on The central stage of the HaMa'ayan HaRadum Square. The CD allows you to enjoy a young, energetic and happy performance, and feel part of the audience that was with us in Safed.

You can purchase audioclips from the album or the entire album of the CD using iTunes. The CD was recorded in live performance of the Klezmer Festival in Safed 2013 The central stage of the HaMa'ayan HaRadum Square. You can enjoy the audio segments that will take you on a nostalgic journey during classic pieces of Jewish soul pieces.

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Contact information:
Maxim Solniker:
Omri Rivlin:

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